Party members of this session: Little Crow, Fairuza, Quinthya, Moras
Date 12th of Spring, 66016
- Only 1 threat is left: the bomb underneath one of the three Neverwinter Bridges (the Sleeping Dragon, the Winged Wyvern, the Dolphin)
- The only information the party had, was that at the end of today the bomb would explode.
- While Fairuza bought a small rowing boat, Morass went to find some used nets.
- The first bridge that the group investigated was the Sleeping Dragon. The PCs found resistance from 6 Fire Knives, who were on the look out for anyone trying to disarm the bomb.
- While battling the Fire Knives, two Blood Sailors showed up, both grafted with swords in the same way Sherry was grafted.
- The Blood Sailors were both extremely hardy. A “killing blow” did not always stop them.
- A captured Fire Knive revealed that there were similar teams at the Winged Wyvern and the Dolphin.
- Better prepared than at the Sleeping Dragon, the PCs quickly identified the Fire Knive Wizard at the Winged Wyvern. After a quick battle, Quinthya found the bomb.
- Retrieving the bomb went easily enough. It was loaded unto the rowing boat, pushed out to sea and brought to explode.
Date 13th of Spring, 66016
- Taking a long rest, the PCs contemplated where the Blood Sailor hideout would be. Going through the belongs on Sherry again, Quinthya came up with the location of the hideout.
- A sack of prumes, a musty smell on Blood Sailors, a walking cane grafted unto one of the Blood Sailors. It could only be the Neverwinter Home for the Elderly
- The Neverwinter Home for the Elderly basement yielded an acces way to an older building that was built, long before the Home for the Elderly was built.
- Within it, the missing Yuan-Ti was using the bodies of Wailing Death victims to graft weaponry upon them and use them as a small army
- The Yuan-Ti tried to put up a fight, but was eventually knocked unconscious.
What was good during this session?
- Good role play and team work to find the bomb, balanced enemies, and some arching story (like hints we should have picked up in previous sessions). Liked it!
- Creativeness, good teamwork
What could have gone better?
- More character development
What are you most curious about?
- What’ll happen when we have captured all three Waterdhavian creatures.