I’ve been using Visual Studio Code ever since it has been released and it quickly became my new favourite code editor.
One of it’s cool features is that I can create tasks, like a test or build task, that you can start with a keyboard shortcut, right from your code.
When working on Rails Apps, I like to have three things side-by-side; my code, my test and the test output (for that single test). Visual Studio Code’s tasks feature is advertised for just such a way of working, but the documentation is quite lacking on how to set this up.
Luckily Hurelu on StackOverflow figured this out for us. Here is how:
- Press cmd+shift+p and select “Configure Task Runner”
- Replace the contents with the following:
"command": "bundle",
"args": ["exec"],
"tasks": [
"suppressTaskName": true,
"taskName": "rspec",
"args": [ "rspec", "${file}" ]
"suppressTaskName": true,
"taskName": "foreman start",
"args": [ "foreman", "start"],
"isBuildCommand": true
- Open an RSpec test and press cmd+shift+t to run your test for the currently selected RSpec test and see the output!
- You can run cmd+shift+b to start your server using foreman. Take note that only 1 task may be running at a time.
This tasks.json file uses bundler to run your commands. When configuring this tasks file, Visual Studio Code runs the commands as follows:
$ command args tasks-args tasks-taskName
Which is a different order than I expected. The suppressTaskName option doesn’t send the taskName as an argument, so we can use the arguments for our task to call RSpec or Cucumber in the correct order.
Happy Coding!